Friday, January 28, 2011

Website of AWESOMENESS!!!

So, I've been very busy for the past few months working on a "Secret Project". And today, I finally finished it!

(Kind of.)

This, my friends, is my new site:

It all started back when I posted Komorebi here earlier. A couple of people thanked me for providing the translation, and I thought, 'hey, I'm fairly good at translating Japanese, and most of the Bleach songs don't have translations available for them. And I know-mostly because I am one of them-that many Bleach dorks would like to know what their favorite characters are singing about.'

And just like that, an Idea was born.

In this website, I am collecting the lyrics for EVERY Bleach song, and then translating them. I've only finished a few songs so far, and my translations might not be professional-quality (yet), but they're THERE. And that's better than nothing, right?

So go there, my pretties! (All both of you... ^-^ ) Click on the links! Tell your friends!

I hope you enjoy it.